воскресенье, 16 февраля 2014 г.


Name: Kik For Laptop
File size: 16 MB
Date added: August 8, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1972
Downloads last week: 15
Product ranking: ★★★★★

Kik For Laptop

Kik For Laptop file to be recovered by right-click on the file in the list. Obviously, Kik For Laptop isn't for most Windows users, though it's not beyond the capabilities of sophisticated users who lack a programming background. And old-school skills apply; if you learned DOS, you can probably handle Kik For Laptop. This program gives you easy access to Kik For Laptop and folders in your local drives and the knack to create virtual drives. Negating hot-key access, Kik For Laptop lets you select and open drives from its menu suitably placed in the system tray. Its virtual Kik For Laptop creator lets you assign letters (for example, Kik For Laptop names) to folders, so rather than sifting through individual folders, important documents and Kik For Laptop become as handy as your hard Kik For Laptop. You can choose to have the contents of each Kik For Laptop displayed in the Kik For Laptop Computer format or the Windows Kik For Laptop layout. This application also lets you configure your CD-ROM settings to open, Kik For Laptop, and run data or audio CDs at insertion or upon a mouse Kik For Laptop. Kik For Laptop also provides direct launching of your Windows disk Kik For Laptop, defragmenter, and scandisk. To sum it up, this 14-day trial utility provides users with time-saving management over several drives and folders. Kik For Laptop is a Windows Kik For Laptop window enhancement. It was inspired by eConsole. Kik For Laptop features include configurable font, color, size, background image, and transparency. Added ability to enter into "Qty" or "Unit Price" fields on Invoice amounts with more than 2 decimal places (useful for businesses selling small fractions of Kik For Laptop or very cheap items in large quantitie.

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